Hardbound, signed. To read Diane Ackerman's A Natural History of the Senses is to dive headlong into a sensuous feast. These delightful, inspired essays on the five senses- smell, touch, vision, hearing, taste- mixbiology, psychology, history, anthropology, and poetry into voluptuous prose.
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VERY RARE Hardbound copy. This copy is SIGNED by Diane Ackerman on full title page! Beautiful embossed cover image (hard to see on scan). First edition 6th printing, 1990 edition. Very good condition except for the serious collector you will notice a very small corner bump on the lower right section of the cover.
To read Diane Ackerman's A Natural History of the Senses is to dive headlong into a sensuous feast. These delightful, inspired essays on the five senses- smell, touch, vision, hearing, taste- mixbiology, psychology, history, anthropology, and poetry into voluptuous prose. Who could fail to pause over Diane Ackerman's description of Cleopatra welcoming Mark Antony to her bed in a room awash in a foot and a half of rose petals? Learn why orange juice tastes bitterwhen you drink it after brushing your teeth. Crawl in total darkness,feeling your way through the blaring confusion of textures in the San Francisco Touch Dome.Visit a laboratory in suburban Chicago where they levitate objects with ultra sound, ormeet a professional nose who has composed scents for everything from perfume to laundry detergent. A rich book, where even the rhythm and movement of the sentences can be awe-inspiring, this book is not meant to be gobbledin huge helpings, but to be savored and browsed through like a box of exquisite chocolates. Youll come away from each reading with keener senses -seeing colors more deeply, hearing your favorite music anew, savoring complex flavors on your tongue.